PID Algorithm

At the root of the PiMotion™ controller, the PID algorithm used is the ideal parallel form shown here:

\(output(t) = K_p{e(t)} + K_{i}\int_{0}^{t}{e(\tau)}\,{d\tau} + K_{d}\frac{d}{dt}e(t) + [K_{vff}(\frac{v_{target}}{2^{K_{vffshift}}}) + (K_{aff}\cdot a_{target} \cdot2^{K_{affshift}})]\)

Where for the above equation:

\(output\) = the output of the PID algorithm.
\(K_p\) = the proportional gain.
\(K_i\) = the integral gain (the integral component is limited by \(I_{limit}\)).
\(K_d\) = the derivative gain.
\(e(t)\) = the current controller error (see below).
\(t\) = the present time.
\(\tau\) = variable of integration from time 0 to the present time \(t\)
\(v_{target}\) = the target velocity (calculated from the trajectory generator).
\(s_{target}\) = the target acceleration (calculated from the trajectory generator).
\(K_{vff}\) = the velocity feed forward.
\(K_{aff}\) = the acceleration feed forward.
\(K_{vffshift}\) = scaler of the target velocity (target_velocity >> vff_shift).
\(K_{affshift}\) = scaler of the target acceleration (target_acceleration << aff_shift).

In position based servo mode \(e(t)\) is calculated as:

\(e(t)\) = target_position_error(t) = current_position(t) - target_position(t)

In velocity servo mode \(e(t)\) is calculated as:

\(e(t)\) = target_velocity_error(t) = actual_velocity(t) - target_velocity(t)

Conversion from Standard Form to Ideal Parallel Form

It may be desired to use the standard form shown below. Since the PiMotion™ only takes values in terms of \(K_p\), \(K_i\) and \(K_d\), it is necessary to do a conversion.

The standard form PID algorith is shown here:

\(output(t) = K_p\left(\,{e(t)} + \frac{1}{T_i}\int_{0}^{t}{e(\tau)}\,{d\tau} + T_d\frac{d}{dt}e(t)\right)\)


\(K_c\) = the controller gain.
\(T_i\) = the reset time (in seconds).
\(T_d\) = the derivative time (in seconds).
\(T\) = electrical cycle time (or loop sample time in seconds)

To convert to the ideal parallel form set \(K_p\) \(K_i\) and \(K_d\) with the following:

\(K_p = K_c\)
\(K_i = \frac{K_c}{T_i}\cdot T\)
\(K_d = K_c\cdot \frac{T_d}{T}\)

Now the controller will behave as a standard form PID algorithm.

Functions for configuring PID parameters

Parameter Python C Java
\(K_p\) Pidev.mtr_set_kp() mtr_set_kp() mtr_set_kp
\(K_i\) Pidev.mtr_set_ki() mtr_set_ki() mtr_set_ki
\(K_d\) Pidev.mtr_set_kd() mtr_set_kd() mtr_set_kd
\(K_{vff}\) Pidev.mtr_set_kvff() mtr_set_kvff() mtr_set_kvff
\(K_{aff}\) Pidev.mtr_set_kaff() mtr_set_kaff() mtr_set_kaff
\(K_{vffshift}\) Pidev.mtr_set_kvff_shift() mtr_set_kvff_shift() mtr_set_kvff_shift
\(K_{affshift}\) Pidev.mtr_set_kaff_shift() mtr_set_kaff_shift() mtr_set_kaff_shift